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Don’t miss the privilege month

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Unbeatable Offers Until BLACK FRIDAY!

Get ready to experience a whole month of exceptional promotions with our exclusive event:
From October 28 to December 3, 2024, enjoy exceptional discounts on our flagship products.
Discover new offers every week!

So many reasons to participate in the Daan Tech Privilege Months

Limited Time Offers

Promotions renewed every week for even more savings.

Selection of iconic products

Exclusive offers on Bob the dishwasher and Joe the cooking appliance. Find the Daan Tech range of household appliances at the lowest price of the season.

French Excellence

Our range of household appliances is designed in France to meet the highest standards in terms of quality, design and durability.

Exclusive benefits

Receive the best offers in preview directly by email

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Access special offers

Register now by filling out the form below and be the first to know about our exclusive promotions. Every week you will receive a preview of new offers not to be missed.

Join us for Daan Tech Privilege Month!

The Daan Tech Special Month is the perfect opportunity to save money all fall long. Don’t miss your chance to get incredible deals before the big Black Friday rush. Sign up today and let us guide you to the best deals of the season!