
The most effective all-in-one dishwasher detergent distribution system in the world

Bob combined with Bob cassette is the most efficient and eco-friendly way to clean your dishes!

How does it work?
Like a music cassette, insert & play.

1. Open your Bob

2. Insert Bob cassette

3. Press PLAY & be free!

Bob takes care of washing your dishes for the next 30 times.
Watch the video:

4 things you should know about Bob cassette


Using Daan Tech expertise we have been able to perfectly dose everything you need for a sparkling clean wash. Your dishes have never been so shiny!

We have created the most efficient concentrated dishwashing detergent distribution system in the world: the Bob cassette.

So concentrated it is small enough to post through your letterbox and replaces all the products used on a traditional dishwasher.

The Bob cassette have been designed by Daan Tech engineers with two compartments. This is our secret recipe and we are the only one in the world to do it this way. It allows use to have two different kind of detergent in the same device. We can pump the right amount of the right detergent at the right time of the cycle, ensuring the best quality wash you can’t find anywhere else.


30 cycles of concentrated dishwasher all-in-one detergent which means you no longer need to buy salt or rinse-aid.

Bob cassette includes 30 cycles of concentrated dishwasher all-in-one detergent which means you no longer need to buy salt or rinse-aid. Indeed, for anti-limestone water treatment, traditional dishwashers have a regenerating salt tank, which must be monitored and refilled frequently. With Bob cassette, no need for dishwasher salt, everything is included in it! The limestone is automatically destroyed by our detergent solution.


Each Bob cassette is returnable and reusable. We refill them and put them back on the market. Close the loop, lower your carbon footprint. 

When we recycle, we’re doing our bit for the planet, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Recent figures show that around 40% of disposed household bottles in Europe are collected for recycling. But because of ‘taint’ (the residue left from home and personal care products), only bottles containing drinks can be recycled into other bottles. So your washing up liquid bottle gets turned into something like a fleece or a road traffic cone. That’s not recycling – it’s ‘down-cycling’. And when this new product comes to the end of its life? It can be downcycled no further and ends up in landfill.

The sad fact is that almost every plastic home cleaning and dishwasher detergent bottle ultimately goes to landfill. And that’s not what you’re picturing when you see that neat little recycling logo, is it?

Don’t throw your Bob cassette away, return them to our factory, we will refill them and put them back on the market. Plastic we don’t use is always better, even from recycled materials.

To assure the best cleaning quality we made the Bob cassette smart enough so Bob knows when to put the right amount of washing product at the right time of the cycle. Make it smart with Daan Tech expertise, this is also the way to avoit detergent product waste.

Returning your Bob cassette is totally free!


The right amount of detergent at the right time of the cycle: no detergent wasted.

30 cycles with only 120mL of detergent, you have never seen that before! Less product also means less plastic for packaging.

Made from 100% recycled plastic

Only tested on dishes

We are proud to say all our Bob cassette are cruelty free and 100% free of any animal derived ingredients.

No detergent wasted

We have found a way to use lower levels of added chemicals per wash when compared to the other tablets or detergent brands. What’s more we have managed to achieve this with no loss to cleaning performance.

Return your Bob cassette, close the loop

Each Bob cassette is returnable and reusable at least 1000 times!

Less packaging

Bob cassettes are delivered as an ultra-concentrated detergent. They’re around four times more concentrated than comparable products in supermarkets, which mean they need four times less plastic packaging. And weigh about 70% less than bottles and dispensers. That means 70% less plastic waste. 30 cycles with only 120mL of detergent, you have never seen that before!

Our cardboard

Our cardboard packaging is made from Forest Stewardship Council® approved, sustainable materials and is 100% recyclable too.

Like the different kind of music, we invented 2 different kind of Bob cassette.
For different use.


30 washing cycles / pop cassette

1 month of freedom (based on daily Bob use)

Deep cleaning and degreasing

Glass protection

Rinse aid and salt function included

Efficient in short cycle

Zero Waste Solution: The Bob cassette is returnable to reduce its environmental impact


1 machine cleaning cycle

The rock’n’roll cassette cleans your Bob deeply and removes the limestone to prevent any damages thus making your Bob last forever.


Cleans & refreshes your Bob

Eliminates limestone

Degreasing power

Extends the life of your Bob


To know everything about Bob cassette

However, to ensure optimal washing quality and higher Bob life durability we recommend using the Bob cassette.

The pop cassette allows you to wash your dishes. It replaces current detergent solutions (dishwasher pods for instance).
The rock’n’roll cassette allows you to clean your Bob with a specific program without dishes (hoses, spray arms, pumps and filters)

In addition to optimal washing quality with the pop cassette, using the Bob rock’n’roll cassette ensures the highest longevity for your Bob.

How does it work?

1. Remove all the dishes inside Bob (your Bob has to be empty)

2. Insert the rock’n’roll cassette into your Bob

3. Go to the Bob cassette menu, click on the “rock’n’roll program”.

4. The cycle will last 30 minutes and will clean all your Bob: pumps, spray arm, pipes, hoses, basket, filters…

5. The rock’n’roll cassette is only used for one cycle (all the content is used during the rock’n’roll program)

6. Once your Bob cassette is finished, you can return it back to Daan Tech for refilling.

Using every 90 cycles a rock’n’roll cassette will save your Bob from aging.

At Daan Tech, we believe home appliances should last forever. The pop cassette is cool. The rock’n’roll cassette is magic!

The pop cassette includes 30 wash / rinse cycles, equivalent to one month of use based on daily use.

The rock’n’roll cassette includes 1 complete Bob cleaning cycle. It is a specific program to run at least once every 90 cycles to guarantee the longest lifespan of Bob.


We use a highly concentrated detergent formula which is not publicly available for sale.

So we have set up a way to collect used cassettes, clean them and refill them in our factory.

This allows us to offer you an optimal washing quality with a zero waste solution!